It’s time to take advantage of new features in the Air Canada for Business program – formerly Air Canada Corporate Rewards. These include new level qualification rules, new rewards admin tab and a new analytics dashboard.
Revenue will now be tracked based on a 12-month rollback window, until the next tier level is met.
With this new feature:
- Your company can instantly take advantage of more benefits, as soon as the next level is reached.
- If at any time you reach a new level, you will automatically unlock that level’s benefits.
- Earned benefits will be valid for 12 months.
Members now have the flexibility to view and allocate the perks they earned among their divisions and travellers.
Admins will be able to:
- Select and assign rewards at the Traveller level or Travel Arranger level.
- View all rewards earned at the account level and division level.
Travel Arrangers will be able to:
- Select from the Rewards menu at the shopping stage, when making a booking for themselves or for others.
Travellers will be able to:
- Select from the Rewards menu at time of shopping to complete the booking.
Air Canada for Business members will have access to a new dashboard and multiple reports offering greater visibility and better control on travel expenses and savings.
Get easy access to your account status and track your level status, performance and savings at your account or division level.
Enjoy simple, comprehensive access to our dashboard and reporting with various filters to better manage your travel program at the account and division level. Monitor travel history and your travel expense behaviour to maximize your savings with the program.
Terms & Conditions
Revenue is based on flown revenue, excluding taxes, and on eligible flights.