FAQ – Managing a booking online

Can I change/cancel* my flight online?

To make changes to or cancel your booking, you should always return to your original booking source:

  • For bookings made directly with Air Canada (including aircanada.com, the Air Canada app, and our contact centres), or with Kayak, Google Flights, and Skyscanner you can manage your booking directly, or call 1-888-247-2262 (international and other numbers) if you need assistance.
  • For bookings made using your Aeroplan points, you also have the option to manage your booking directly, or to or call the Aeroplan Contact Centre at: 1-800-361-5373 (for international and other numbers, visit the Aeroplan section of our customer support page).
  • For bookings made with a travel agent or any online travel agency (e.g., Expedia or Priceline), please contact them directly.
  • For Air Canada Vacations bookings, please call 1-800-296-3408 or visit Air Canada Vacations.
  • For Air Canada for Business bookings, please call 1-888-335-4189 or visit Air Canada for Business.

*A fee may apply, based on your fare type.

What else can I do online?

There are multiple features available from the My bookings tab, depending on your booking type, including these options:

  • Check the COVID-19 entry requirements for your trip
  • Choose or change your seats
  • Confirm your baggage allowance
  • Print or share your itinerary, and add it to your calendar
  • Request an upgrade to a higher cabin
  • Choose from a variety of travel options
  • Join Aeroplan before you fly if you’re not already a member
  • Book an airport transfer ahead of time for added peace of mind
  • Find out if Gogo® Wi-Fi is available on your flight

What changes or requests cannot be made online?

Passenger information cannot be changed online.

  • Please contact us directly in the 24 hours after completing your booking.


Special requests cannot be made online.

What if there is an error with my online booking?

If, after booking your flight at aircanada.com, you notice that you made an error (e.g., wrong date, misspelled passenger name), you will need to contact us directly to make the necessary corrections. Please make sure to do so within 24 hours of completing your booking to avoid any complications.

If the correction results in a higher fare, you will be given the option to pay the higher fare or to obtain a refund for the price of your ticket.

This policy covers changes to flights, dates, routes and spelling of passenger names. We recommend that you validate your booking by reviewing your itinerary immediately after you have made your reservation.