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Introducing Aeroplan HotelSavers

Better stays for fewer points

Save up to 30% in points when you book stays at our select partner hotels.1

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How it works

Thanks to our unique hotel partnerships, you get an exclusive rate in points available only for Aeroplan members. Look for the red HotelSavers tag when booking your stay through our member-exclusive platform.

The table below indicates the estimated number of points per night for a standard room for each HotelSavers category.2

HotelSavers category
Points per night*
10,000 - 15,000
15,000 - 22,500
20,000 - 30,000
25,000 - 40,000
35,000 - 50,000
45,000 - 70,000
55,000 - 80,000
75,000 - 105,000

*Point values are based on a standard room and may vary by seasonality, hotel location, room availability and number of guests in the room.

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Get up to XX pts back on your next hotel stay

Enjoy XX points back when you redeem at least XX points. Don’t miss out, book now!

Plus, see how you can get a 4th night free as an Aeroplan Credit Cardholder.

Register and book between: XXX

Travel between: XXX



Register to get XX points back on your next hotel stay.



Whether you’re looking for a room overlooking downtown or a villa by the ocean, find the perfect space for you.

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Get a 4th Night Free

Aeroplan Credit Cardholders get a 4th night free at our entire hotel collection worldwide. *

Flexible booking options

Not enough points to cover your entire stay? No problem! Simply select the Points + Cash option to split your payment 50/50 Points + Cash.


Here are 3 ways you can book a 2-night stay in a Category 3 Hotel at 20,000 points per night, compared to a retail price of $250 per night.

Pay with full points

40,000 points (20,000 a night)

Pay with 50/50 Points + Cash

20,000 points + $250

Pay with full cash (and earn!)


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Our partners

We’ve partnered with some of the world’s most renowned hotel brands and unique properties—and our network is always growing.

Shangri la

Le germain hotels
Omni hotels
Noble house
Crowne plaza

& Economy
Coast hotels
Alt hotels
Holiday inn
Candlewood suites
Holiday inn express
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Where would you like to stay?

Find inspiration all over the world by exploring our HotelSavers properties below.

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Terms and conditions

  1. 1HotelSaversTM hotels available on the travel booking website (the “Website”), operated by Agence de Voyage Loyalty / Loyalty Travel Agency LLC, doing business as cxLoyalty (“cxLoyalty”), provide up to 30% more savings when compared to non-HotelSavers hotels only when redeeming your Aeroplan points for hotel stays made on the Website. For Points + Cash bookings for hotel stays made on the Website, the savings only apply to the Aeroplan points portion of the booking. The savings will not apply to bookings made using card payment only. Savings are calculated by comparing the points price for a HotelSavers hotel to a non-HotelSavers hotel at the same cash price. E.g. When comparing two hotels, each with a cash price of $100 per night, a HotelSavers hotel may be priced at 10,000 Aeroplan Points per night while a non-HotelSavers hotel may be priced at 12,500 points. The saving in this case is 12,500 – 10,000 = 2,500. 2,500 / 12,500 = 20%.
  2. 2HotelSavers category ranges of Aeroplan points are estimated for a one night stay in a standard room or lead-in room with double occupancy. Actual Aeroplan points value per night may vary by seasonality, hotel location, lead-in room availability and number of guests in the room at our discretion.
  3. Offer, HotelSavers category assignment, hotel brands, hotel selection and hotel availability are subject to change, without notice.
  4. All bookings made through the Website are subject to cxLoyalty’s Travel terms and conditions.
  5. Image pictured at the top of the page is the Fairmont Mayakoba, Playa del Carmen.