When you book a flight with Air Canada, you are automatically enrolled to receive flight notifications which can be reconfirmed when you check in.
If you are not travelling, but still wish to receive flight notifications, download and sign up with the Air Canada App here:
What You Need to Know
- Notifications apply only to Air Canada, Air Canada Rouge and Air Canada Express flights.
- Notifications are sent only if your flight is cancelled or delayed by at least 15 minutes, as follows:
- 24 hours prior to departure,
- 4 hours prior to departure, then,
- Periodically for changes occurring within 4 hours of departure.
- Gate change notifications are sent only within 2 hours of departure.
- Departure notifications cease 15 minutes prior to actual departure..
- No notification is sent if the flight is on time.
Flight status information can change at any time. For this reason, we recommend that - unless your flight has been listed as "cancelled" - you always check in for the originally scheduled departure time of your flight and check airport monitors for any last minute updates.
We’ll do everything possible to provide the most accurate flight status information at all times. However, Air Canada is not liable for non-delivery of messages and cannot guarantee the timeliness or reliability of SMS message receipt.